Sunday, April 26, 2009

Busy Weekend

It was another busy, but good weekend here. We had a good time visiting with Nate and Debbie and the kids had fun playing Friday night. Saturday morning I went for a leisurely 5 mile run. It was a little warm for my taste, but what can you do. The kids had a fun morning of soccer. Andrew's team got beat, but he did score a goal and had a good time. They need to learn not to fight their own team mates for the ball! Ella looked really cute, but is still covering her eyes if the ball on the field comes even close to her. We headed to dinner and the horse races, it was a great night to be outdoors. Then on to trimming the bushes, putting the dots up on Ella's border and a Sams run today. Of course every year we say we are going to hire someone to trim the bushes, but every year we can not buck up and actually pay the 150 to get it done.

1 comment:

Debbie S. said...

I love that she covers her eyes when the ball is coming!!!